“The body of one who uses oil massage regularly does not become affected much even if subjected to accidental injuries, or strenuous work.”
Charaka Samhita Vol. 1, 88-89
Ayurvedic Treatments
During an Abhyanga massage, warm oils infused with dosha specific ayurvedic herbs are applied in movements harmonious to your needs. The heat enables the oils to penetrate the tissues and shift ama (toxins) at a cellular level.
This massage promotes circulation, boosts immune system function, and creates deep relaxation in the mind and body. Post treatment your skin will feel nourished and replenished. Stress will have lifted from your mind and sound healing sleep will be your reward.
90mins $160
This deeply soothing treatment can bring an immediate and continued relaxation and calm as medicated oil is poured in a continuous flow over the fore head and scalp. Particular care is given to Ajna (3rd eye) Chakra.
In Ayurveda we use Shirodhara as a treatment tool for many ailments; physical or physiological. Known to counteract stress and anxiety, produce deeper and more reparative sleep, reduce headaches and migraines and can nourish awareness.
allow 70 – 90 mins for each session
First session
(includes purchase of medicinal oil) $180
Subsequent sessions $140
Best received as a series of 3 -
Utsadana and Urdvarthanam
Ayurvedic herbal treatment specifically for reducing weight. Dry herbal powder or a powder and oil mix is applied with deep strokes to the whole body to increase circulation and aid metabolism. This helps with toning of the tissues and reducing excess fat. A must for anyone partaking in any cleanse programs.
Best results are seen after taking a series of treatments but even after one your skin looks and feels amazing so can be a perfect little treat to have prior to an event where you want to glow!
60mins $135
Nasya Karma
We begin with a very stimulating facial massage concentrating on the sinus passage followed by a steam. A herbal oil to benefit your complaint is administered into the nasal passage to be absorbed through the respiratory mucosa. With Nasya the medication can enter immediately into the cranial cavity as Prana would. Nasya is used for diseases involving Kapha and Vata Doshas with complaints from the shoulders and up. On a physical level Nasya provides nourishment to the nervous system and can remove irritants and inflammation, helping with sinus and congestion complaints, headaches, eye aches, neck pains. Spiritually; it is used when the consciousness and sense organs need to be treated due to the ability to facilitate direct action on the brain and Prana.
45 mins $75
Ruksha Swedena
Ruksha Swedana is our 'dry’ massage. We heat rice and salt with herbs to suit your complaint and make into the bolus and massage over the affected area.
Perfect to treat, inflammation, oedema, congestion and circulatory problems. As well as pains to the ability to increase circulation and increase lymphatic activity.60mins $130
Pinda Swedana
Pinda Swedana is make from medicated herbs cooked with rice and then warmed in milk. Pinda is used for nourishment, strengthening and rejuvenation. It heats deeply into the body giving pain relief for all Vata problems.
Recommended for disc compression, osteoarthritis, rejuvenation of damaged joints or previously broken bones and skin conditions.60mins $130
Jambeera Patra Swedana
In Jambeera Patra Swedana the bolus is made from chopped and cooked medicinal leaves, lemons and herbs and is dipped in medicinal oil to massage over the body. The herbs and leaves permeate the skin to soothe pains.
Patra swedana helps in all Vata disorders; neuromuscular complaints, decreased circulation, sprains and strains, it can reduce and remove inflammation and rejuvenate tissues.60mins $130
Ayurvedic Facial
Relax and enjoy a facial tailored to your needs. Using only fresh produce and Ayurvedic herbs we cleanse and exfoliate and give herbal steams. An Ayurvedic face mask made from herbals and fresh produce is applied and allowed to work while the hands and arms are oiled and massaged. A Kansa wand facial is given to release tension and to tone and plump the skin. We apply Satya Veda Anti Ageing Elixir as a final heavenly treat leaving skin fresh and revitalised.
60 mins $130
Kati Basti
We apply a dough wall to encapsulate the problem area. Medicated oil specific to the complaint is poured within this dough circle and kept warm. Once completed the dough is removed and oil is massaged into the surrounding area. The treatment is finished with a localised steam. Kati Basti is our primary treatment for disc, spinal and neuralgic complaints as the treatment will reduce swelling and improve the blood flow which helps to alleviate pain. Also used for Vata digestive and menstrual complaints as specific placement allows the herbs and heated oils to penetrate will help soothe and balance an erratic Vata enabling its correct flow through the body.
I suggest a minimum 3x treatments
allow 60 - 70 mins for each session
First session
(includes purchase of medicinal oil)
Subsequent sessions $140 -
Indian Head Massage balances the flow of energy throughout the body and induces a feeling of peace. The treatment is done seated and fully clothed and covers the face, head, neck, shoulders, arms and the upper back. The concentration of treatment around the upper part of the body allows the fascia of the head to release increasing blood flow. Increased mobility around the neck joints gives space to the parasympathetic nerve. This treatment can lower blood pressure and re oxygenate the brain alleviating many head problems. Fabulous treatment for those struggling with sleep.
45 mins $75
Marma Massage
Marma points are described as essential l energy centres of the body, where the seat of Prana (life force) can be accessed. There are 107 of these points on the body. They can be found at anatomically defined intersection pints on the body - where joints, tendons, veins, arteries and bones meet.
A marma treatment involves a full body massage where we ensure correct stimulus on each Marma point.
Marma therapy helps with general homeostasis of the mind and body - balancing emotions and alleviating physical complaints. This is used to both prevent and treat a wide array of diseases as a part of an Ayurvedic treatment plan. Marma massage can also be used as a treatment tool for specific diseases within a remedial body treatment.90mins $160
Marma Therapy
Marma Therapy treatment is for specific complaints either chronic or acute.
It involves a consultation where we address your complaints and prescribe and perform specific marma sequences to alleviate.Can be used for a wide range of complaints; I have had most effectiveness with treatment of chronic pains and musculoskeletal repair. Anxiety, stress and PTSD, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, wry neck, headaches and migraines.
Initial consult 60mins $120
Subsequent sessions (for presenting complaint) 45mins $70 -
We begin with a gentle massage of the face and head and then apply a dough wall around the eyes. This wall is filled with warmed medicated ghee and you then perform movements with the eyes before the ghee is taken out.
Tarpana is fantastic for strengthening and nourishing the eyes; it is a very relaxing treatment. Best results are seen over consecutive treatments.
Can be used for a range of eye conditions like general overuse and fatigue, eye strain, atrophy and fatigue of optic nerves and for general maintenance of otherwise healthy eyes.45mins $80
Janu Basti
We apply a dough wall around one or both knees and then fill with heated medicated oil. Once completed the dough is removed and oil is massaged into the surrounding area. The treatment is finished with a localised steam. I use Janu Basti to soften stiff ligaments and tendons, to lubricate a ‘dry capsule’ and to quicken the healing process in a range of knee complaints.
I suggest a minimum 3x treatments
allow 60 - 70 mins for each single knee session 70 - 80 for double
First session
(includes purchase of medicinal oil)
$170 single knee, $190 for both knees
Subsequent sessions
$140 single knee, $160 for both -
Basti Therapy
Basti therapy is only considered after a full Ayurvedic Consult to access suitability.
A massage and steam of the back is performed before therapy is administered.
We have 2 types of Basti Therapy. Each has different ingredients and serves a different purpose.
Anuvasana Basti is primarily used to pacify Vata Dosha. It is shodana in nature and will promote nourishment and rejuvenation, joint health, aid pains in lower back and limbs, is great for reproductive health. This Basti is made from medicated oils or ghee.
Niruha or Asthapana Basti is used more to cleanse and move disease and ama from the body. This Basti takes many hours to prepare and comprises herbal decoction, oil and honey.Anuvasana Basti (nourishing) 45mins $110
Niruha Basti (cleansing) 50mins $125